ࡱ> [ \bjbj ;ΐΐC# 8e8. +e-e-e-e-e-e-e$hj<Qe9Qe4e+e+eB_-d@rd]a6ee0eak%kl-d-d&kSdQeQe ek : ŷ Libraries/Archives Pocket Response Plan for Collections Date revised: INSTITUTIONAL CONTACTS Director Juanita Roberts 727-8892 / 7275818 / 334-552-1136 / Jroberts@tuskegee.edu / Assistant Director [name] [office phone] / [home phone] / [cell] / [email] / [home email] Preservation Manager (if applicable) Dana Chandler 725-2374 / 256-357-2497 / 256-405- 8611 dchandler@tuskegee.edu / danasaur@centurytel.net Emergency Manager Campus Security Lt. Fueasel Turner 727-8757 / 334-529-3904/ 334-552- 1296 /fturner@tuskegee.edu Financial Services / Accountant Les Porter 724-4733/ [home phone] / [cell] / [email] / [home email] Facilities / Building Manager Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Security Campus Security Lt. Fueasel Turner 727-8757 / 334-529-3904/ 334-552- 1296 /fturner@tuskegee.edu Environmental Health & Safety Janitorial Services Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com INSTITUTIONAL CONTACTS (cont) Risk Manager Anwar Diop 727-8424 Insurance Contact / Agent Palomar Insurance 334-409-3120 Public Relations Officer Clare Reed 724-4553 Reedc@tuskegee.edu Information Technology Officer / IT Harold Glover 727-8038 / 334-552-1134 / hglover@tuskegee.edu Special Collections / Archives Dana Chandler 725-2374 / 256-357-2497 / 256-405- 8611 dchandler@tuskegee.edu / danasaur@centurytel.net Legacy Museum Office Manager- Myrtis Morris 334-725-2842/ 334-552-1172 morrismf@tuskegee.edu DISASTER TEAM Team Leader Leigh Jones 727-8891 / 334-356-1691 / 205-482- 1691 ljones@tuskegee.edu BUILDING UTILTIES Water Fire Sprinklers Campus Security Lt. Fueasel Turner 727-8757 / 334-529-3904/ 334-552- 1296 /fturner@tuskegee.edu Water Potable Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Plumber Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Electricity Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Gas Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Telephone Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Elevators Sodexo Jim Austin 727-8348 / 334-421-1946 Jim.austin@sodexo.com Security System Campus Security Lt. Fueasel Turner 727-8757 / 334-529-3904/ 334-552- 1296 /fturner@tuskegee.edu Fire Suppression (other) Campus Security Lt. Fueasel Turner 727-8757 / 334-529-3904/ 334-552- 1296 /fturner@tuskegee.edu FIRST RESPONDERS Fire Department 727-0200 Emergency Medical / Ambulance 727-0200 Police Department / Law Enforcement 727-0200 City Emergency Management Judy Kennebrew 724-2626 County Emergency Management Ben Radkleep 724-2626 State Office of Emergency Services 205-280-2200 Health Department 727-1800 Red Cross 727-1305 Sheriffs Department Macon County 727-2500 FEMA Disaster Assistance 800-621-FEMA Environment & Historic Preservation-Region [# ] [phone] NATIONAL RESOURCES AIC-CERT (Rapid Response Team for Cultural Institutions) 202-661-8068 Heritage Preservation 202-233-0800 EMERGENCY RECOVERY SERVICES American Institute for Conservation AIC Guide to Conservation Services www.aic-faic.org/guide/form.html 202-452-9545 Conservator 1 Jean Belt 334-271-3772 Conservator 2 Refrigerated Trucking Service Integrated Transport Logistics, Inc 334-558-0860, 800-308-287 Freezer Storage AmeriCold Logistics (334)284-6900 Commercial Recovery Service (dehumidification, freeze drying, A/V ) Munters Corporation Neeley Kolsch 678-602-2840 800-686-8377 Data Recovery Service Data Recovery Services of Auburn 877-304-7189 Industrial Hygienist / Mold Testing Lab All Mold Professionals Brian Jones 877.272.2858 Exterminator / Fumigation Service Terminix Service Inc. 334-887-9040 Structural Architect [name] [phone] REGIONAL CONTACTS Lyrasis 1-800-999-8558 www.lyrasis.org disaster@lyrasis.org Alabama Historical Commission 334-230-2690 Alabama Public Library Service 334-213-3900 or 800-723-8459 Alabama Department of Archives And History 334- 242-4435 Regional Emergency Response Network NN/LM Southeastern/Atlantic Region 1-800-338-7657 or 410-706-2855 ŷ Campus Operator 334-727-8011 Student Health Services June Samuel 334-727-8641 Campus Security- ŷ Investigator- Lt. Moon 334-552-1297 Note: for all after-hours buildings or grounds problems please contact either campus security or Sodexo. Dial Campus Security on campus: 4911 Immediate Response and Checklist for Collections Recovery IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Notification (as appropriate): First Responders Ensure that all staff and visitors are safe and accounted for Maintain security of building and collections Institutional Contacts Building Utilities Activate the Disaster Plan s emergency response actions Activate the Disaster Team if collection damage Follow other Communication steps HURRICANE and TORNADO RESPONSE: Make building weathertight if possible (close windows/wall openings, cover roof) Determine power and water needs WATER RESPONSE Stop the source, remove standing water Cover collections with plastic sheeting Remove materials from water path. Move books higher on shelves or onto book trucks ASSESSMENT Ensure through proper authorities that all hazards are cleared before entering building Health & safety first; protect staff Document with photos, videos, notes Assess damage to collections, building, information systems What type of an emergency was it (fire, smoke, chemical, clean water, dirty water, heat, humidity)? What areas are affected? How much of the collection is damaged? What types of materials are damaged? Are critical information systems functional / safe? WATER RESPONSE Identify materials needing immediate salvage action (coated paper, leather bindings, unstable inks, film, etc.) Stabilize the environment (cool, dry, circulating air optimal)COMMUNICATION Establish and maintain channels of communication Establish communication with appropriate local & regional emergency management Communicate with staff using the Phone Tree Contact risk manager and insurance agent Contact the public relations officer Contact SOLINET, Regional Contacts, conservators Contact outside Emergency Recovery Services Confirm funding sources for emergency services as needed Contact regional libraries to ensure continued services to constituents Report status to administration and public Post emergency information and instructions on the institutional website Obtain appropriate permissions to begin salvage (public safety, public health, structural engineer) WATER RESPONSE Quick response is essential to prevent mold growth and irreversible damage to materials Obtain refrigerated trucks, freezer storage COLLECTION SALVAGE Salvage collections using pre-established Collection Priorities, taking into account access & extent of damage Identify and gather emergency supplies Identify secure, dry location for pack-out and air-drying Recruit staff / volunteers Wear appropriate safety protection Start collection salvage guided by Disaster Plan and collection response protocols, including Collection Priorities WATER RESPONSE Quick response is essential to prevent mold growth and irreversible damage to materials Organize staff / volunteers to load priority materials into freezer based on material type Organize staff / volunteers to air-dry materials that should not be frozenCOLLECTION PRIORITIES First Priority Collections: Second Priority Collections: MAJOR DISASTERS Require knowledge of incident command structure (ICS) ICS is the tool that local, state, federal government officials, and others use to handle incidents ICS allows personnel from a variety of organizations to merge into a single command structure Includes procedures for controlling personnel, equipment, and communications from beginning to end of incident Utilizes common terminology, modular organization, and span of control Span of control means that one person should manage no less than 3 & no more than 7 people ICS authority structure: Incident Commander: Responsible for overall management of incident Public Information Officer: Communicates with media/public Safety Officer: Monitors safety of the incident in regards to both the facility and the responders Liaison Officer: Coordinates with representatives of cooperating agencies Planning Section Chief: Prepares Incident Action Plan (IAP): respond to the event (what, who, how and what to do if someone hurt) Operations Section Chief: Ensures that the IAP is enacted Logistics Section Chief: Responsible for all support needs to enact the IAP Finance/Administration Section Chief: Manages all financial aspects of the incident     SIDE B (Actions). Use this side to provide step-by-step instructions for library and affiliated personnel who will respond to a disaster affecting your own institution. Ideally, steps should already be defined in the library disaster plan. This document is NOT intended to be a substitute for a comprehensive emergency plan. Instead, it should distill the most important tasks to be taken in the first minutes and hours after an event occurs that affects collections, especially those that occur when staff members are away from their offices. Template for Pocket Response Plan for Collections SIDE A (Communications). Use this side to collect phone numbers for the individuals and organizations you are most likely to need to talk to in the first minutes and hours after an emergency occurs: staff, emergency responders, facility managers, utilities, vendors, and assistance organizations. Print on 8 x 14 paper. Trim on outside lines to 121/2 x 63/4, fold on vertical lines like an accordion, then fold in half (bringing short sides together) so that final folded document measures 21/8 x 31/2. Insert in PReP"! Tyvek envelope for protection, available from CoSA http://www.statearchivists.org/prepare 2006 Council of State Archivists (CoSA). Adapted by WESTPAS and SOLINET. Print on 8  x 14 paper. Trim on outside lines to 121/2 x 63/4 , fold on vertical lines like an accordion, then fold in half (bringing short sides together) so that final folded document measures 21/8 x 31/2 . Insert in PReP"! 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